> 文章列表 > 春节都采购哪些货品英语





①肉类。肉类可是年货里的硬货,无论是年夜饭还是春节期间的餐桌,肉类都是必不可少的。猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉、鸭肉、鱼、虾、蟹等,都是必购的年货。 ① Meat...

春节购物清单用英语 - 懂得



1. Frozen dumplings 2. Spring Festival couplets 3. Red packet casing 4. window flowers 5. firecracke...


shopping list购物清单a pack of laundry detergent洗衣粉一包edible oil食用油quick-frozen food速冻食品a box of eggs鸡蛋一盒...


采购:1.purchase 2.make purchases for an organization or enterprise 3.procurement 4.procure 5.stock Exa...




The spring festival is coming, and it\'s time for everyone to start shopping for their festival goods. The Chinese New Year is a time for celebration and family gatherings, and it requires a special set of items to create the festive atmosphere. One essential category of items is meat. Whether it\'s for the grand New Year\'s Eve feast or meals during the Spring Festival period, different types of meat such as pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and crab are must-buy items for the Chinese New Year celebration.

Meat not only adds flavor and nutrition to the meals but also symbolizes abundance and prosperity. It is believed that by having an abundance of meat during the Spring Festival, the year ahead will be filled with prosperity and good fortune. Therefore, it is a tradition for Chinese families to include various types of meat in their shopping list for the Chinese New Year.

Apart from meat, there are several other items that are commonly found on the Spring Festival shopping list. Frozen dumplings, Spring Festival couplets, red packet casings, window flowers, and firecrackers are some of the essential items for the Chinese New Year celebration. Frozen dumplings are convenient and delicious, and they are a staple food during the festival. Spring Festival couplets are poetic verses written on red paper and hung on the doorways, bringing good luck and blessings. Red packet casings are used to hold money gifts, a traditional way of giving blessings to children and young adults. Window flowers and firecrackers are used to create a festive and joyful atmosphere during the Spring Festival.

In addition to these traditional items, there are also everyday household items that are commonly purchased during the Spring Festival. Items like laundry detergent, edible oil, quick-frozen food, and eggs are necessary for daily life and are often bought in bulk during the holiday season. This is because many families have relatives and friends visiting during the festival, and there is a need to stock up on essential supplies.

When it comes to the English translation of the word \"采购\" (procurement), it can be used as a noun meaning the process of obtaining goods or services for an organization or enterprise. Another word that can be used is \"purchase,\" which is a more common term for buying something. Both words can be used interchangeably, depending on the context.

Overall, the Chinese New Year shopping list is diverse and reflects the customs and traditions of the festival. From meat to festival decorations and everyday household items, each item has its significance and plays a crucial role in creating a joyous and prosperous atmosphere for the Chinese New Year celebration.